Friday, May 16, 2008

How Iran Is Killing U.S. Troops in Iraq

From Pajamas Media:

Some of the explosives used against U.S. forces are so sophisticated that they must have originated in Iran. Relatively rare pictures obtained by PJM show their effects on American forces' vehicles.

American and Iraqi military forces have repeatedly claimed to have uncovered evidence that Iran is supplying both Sunni and Shia insurgent groups in Iraq with various munitions. Operations in Basra and Baghdad’s Sadr City slum in recent weeks have allegedly uncovered Iranian weapons manufactured as recently as this year, which would seem to preclude Iranian weapons having been obtained on the black market. Instead, it suggests the direct supply of belligerents inside Iraq with Iranian weaponry by the Iranian military with the knowledge of the Iranian government.

Read more ....

My Comment: Where is the outrage from all of our politicians, mass media, and general public? We in the West clearly do not have the stomach to fight right now.

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