Friday, May 9, 2008

Iraq War Updates -- May 9, 2008

Al-Qaeda Has Used 6,000 Suicide Bombers in Iraq -- Gateway Pundit

2,000 Saudis Killed in Iraq -- Gateway Pundit

Bomber In Iraq Tied To Gitmo -- Washington Times

Michael Yon’s “Moment of Truth in Iraq” -- Austin Bay

Big Push Coming In Sadr City -- Hot Air

Iraq Applies More Pressure On Sadr To Disband Militia -- Strata-Sphere

The End Is Near For The Mahdi In Sadr City -- Strata-Sphere

Bad Guy Down -- Tigerhawk

Craving America's Defeat in Iraq -- Commentary From Backtalk

Al-Qaida leader In Iraq Captured During Mosul Raid -- Guardian

U.S. Military: Al Qaeda Leader in Iraq Has Not Been Captured -- FOX News

Al-Qaida In Iraq Leader 'Arrested' -- Guardian

ABU AYYUB AL-MASRI, Head Of Al Qaeda In Iraq, Has Been Captured -- Belmont Club

Baghdad's Coming Refugee Crisis -- Time Magazine

Beware Of Force On Militias, Iran Tells Iraq -- Yahoo News

Shiites Maintain Strong Nationalistic Ties To Iraq, Sys Amb. -- Voices Of Iraq

Motorcade Carrying Iraq's First Lady Bombed; Wife Unharmed -- Yahoo News

5 US Soldiers Killed, Shia Mosque Blown Up By Army -- Khaleej Times Online

19 Mahdi Army Fighters Killed During Baghdad Battles -- Long War Journal

U.S. Seeks Contractors To Train Iraqi Military -- Washington Post

Iraqis Begin To 'Despise' The Mahdi Army In Baghdad's Rusafa District -- Long War Journal

Baghdad Police Show Progress, But Challenges Remain -- Long War Journal

Kissinger on Iraq. April, 2008 -- Maggie's Farm

My Comment: U.S. and Iraqi forces are preparing to get rid of Shiite militias in Sadr City. Expect some heavy fighting in the next week or two.

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