Monday, July 14, 2008

86 People Charged Over Turkey 'Coup Plot'

Istanbul chief prosecutor Aykut Cengiz Engin speaks to
the media in Istanbul, Turkey, Monday, July 14, 2008.

From The Times Online:

Turkish prosecutors have charged 86 people with terrorism over an alleged plot by militant secularists to overthrow the Islamic-rooted government.

Retired army officers, politicians and journalists are among those named on a 2,500-page indictment filed by Chief Prosecutor Aykut Cengiz Engin today, following months of speculation over a case which has fuelled political tensions and rocked financial markets.

Opponents of the government accused it of mounting a politically-motivated campaign against secularists as revenge for court moves to shut down the ruling AK Party, which has been at the centre of a fierce debate over Turkey's identity since its election in 2002.

Read more ....

More News On Turkey "Coup Plot"

Alleged coup plotters in Turkey to face trial on terrorism charges -- Haaretz
86 charged in Turkey for coup plot -- CBC
Turkey charges 86 for 'coup plot' -- BBC
Turkey to charge 86 over anti-government plot -- AFP
Turkey Indicts 86 on Terrorism Charges -- Voice Of America

My Comment: It is interesting that this case is moving forward as the government is also receiving a defeat from the judiciary on its constitutionality as well sinking poll numbers.

If this plot is real, it would reveal the "stupidity" of the plotters. Why plan for a coup when you are winning everything politically as well as legally. Something does not add up.

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