Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Antiwar Activists Split Over Obama's Troop Plans

I have received a few emails criticizing a comment that I made where I mentioned that it's a "dirty secret" that Obama means combat forces when he talks about withdrawing troops. That even If Sen. Obama is elected President, he has made it clear that he will still keep tens of thousands of Americans in Iraq.

I made this comment after reading the following article, it summarizes the conflict that Sen. Obama is now facing against a good portion of his base:

From Yahoo News/McClatchy:

WASHINGTON — Barack Obama's plan to build up U.S. forces in Afghanistan while keeping perhaps 50,000 troops in Iraq has triggered a deep rift among antiwar activists, a reminder of the difficult tasking facing the presumptive Democratic nominee as he tries to broaden his appeal.

The Illinois senator wrapped up three days of tours and talks in the war-ravaged nations Tuesday, stressing in a news conference that the "situation in Afghanistan is perilous and urgent" and that "we should not wait any longer" to provide additional troops.

In Iraq , Obama won a tacit Iraqi endorsement of a plan to withdraw U.S. combat troops in 2010, but he also said that he backs leaving a residual force in Iraq to help train military personnel, provide security for U.S. interests and thwart terrorist threats. The residual force might total up to 50,000 troops, his campaign advisers have told reporters

Read more ....

My Comment: For Senator Obama, this is his Achilles heal. I believe that this is his election to lose, that if Senator McCain wins this falls Presidential election it will be because of Sen. Obama and not what Sen. McCain could or would do.

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