Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Cindy McCain's Trip To Rwanda During the Height Of The Genocide

Cindy McCain

From Townhall:

KIGALI, Rwanda -- Cindy McCain's first visit to this country in 1994 was during the high season of roadblocks and machetes and shallow graves.

Following a call for help from Doctors Without Borders, McCain had assembled a medical team with the intention of setting up a mobile hospital in Rwanda. Arriving by private plane in mid-April, a couple of weeks into the massacres, she realized that the chaos made deploying her team impossible. At the airport, she paid for the use of a truck and set out for Goma in then-Zaire, where hundreds of thousands of refugees were also headed.

"I never saw anyone harmed," McCain recalls, "but I saw the bodies along the roadside." Checkpoints were manned by 12- and 13-year-olds with AK-47s. "The kids were drinking -- bottles of Guinness, I remember. They would point their guns at you. They wanted money. We paid." Along the way, she picked up several abandoned young people, later given to the care of an Irish charity.

Read more ....

My Comment: I was surprised to read this article. I was never aware that she had gone to Rwanda during the height of its genocide. If I was her husband I would never have permitted her to go .... but she went with her husband's blessing.

I am glad that people like Barack Obama, Cindy McCain, and others who are in public life make the effort to travel and be witness to a war zone. Everyone who goes through such an experience (myself included) always come back appreciative of what we have, and sensitive to what war is all about.

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