Monday, July 14, 2008

Europe Faces Russian Nuclear Missile Threat

Russian Missile Silo

From The Times Online:

Russia is thinking of aiming nuclear weapons at western Europe for the first time since the end of the cold war, according to defence sources in Moscow.

The move is being considered in response to American plans to develop a defence shield against missiles from Iran and other countries.

The plans under discussion include the possible deployment of ballistic missiles to Kaliningrad, a Russian enclave between the European Union countries of Lithuania and Poland. Kaliningrad has been nuclear-free since America and Russia agreed to scale back their nuclear arsenals at the end of the cold war.

A Russian parliamentary committee visited the enclave 10 days ago to examine how a new generation of nuclear missiles could be based there. Any such deployment would significantly escalate tensions in Europe between Moscow and Washington.

Read more ....

More News On Russia Aiming Nuclear Missiles At Europe

Russia eyes new nuclear missiles aimed at Europe -- Tehran Times
Europe faces Russian nuclear missile threat -- Focus
Re-launching the missile debate -- Today's Zaman
Russia cuts Oil supplies to the Czech -- Press TV
Russia cuts Czech oil supplies after radar deal with US -- Monsters And Critics
Czechs Tap Reserves as Russian Oil Falls -- Moscow Times

My Comment: The more that things change .... the more they stay the same.

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