Thursday, July 24, 2008

A New Cold War in the Caribbean?

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, right, and Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, left, gesture while speaking at a press conference at the presidential residence in Gorki on July 22, 2008.

From Time Magazine:

Ever since the Monroe Doctrine, the United States has seen the Caribbean in the way that the Romans viewed the Mediterranean — Mare Nostrum, Our Sea. From the Spanish-American War through the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Central American dirty wars of the Reagan era, Washington was always quick to flex its muscle over the rum-soaked waters that stretch from Florida to Venezuela. The bad news: It ain't our sea anymore, gringos.

Read more ....

More News On Cuba, Russian Bombers, Venezuela, And the Caribbean

Chavez: Venezuela's military cooperation with Russia is proceeding 'at full speed' -- International Herald Tribune
Venezuelan president denies reports on pledge to harbor Russian military bases -- China View
Russia denies planning to base bombers in Cuba -- AFP
Russia denies report of Cuba bomber plans -- MSNBC
Cuban Missile Crisis 2.0 -- Wired
Russia contemplates using Cuba to refuel nuclear bombers -- The Guardian
Fidel Castro Praises Brother for Silence on Russian Bombers -- Voice Of America
Fidel Castro says no excuses from Cuba on Russian bomber issue -- AFP
Cuba silent on Russian bomber report: Fidel Castro -- AFP
U.S. general warns against Russian bombers in Cuba -- Reuters

Video: 'Flight plans' could spark new Cuban missile crisis -- Russia Today

My Comment: A cold war is not about to start in the Caribbean. The number one problem in the Caribbean is the narco-trade, the second is an environment that poor and in poverty but in turn is also hostile to the free market ideas that would empower them.

Argentina, Mexico (to a lesser degree), Venezuela .... etc., half of Latin America is now run by governments that are hostile to free market principles. To address the imbalance in their societies, and to provide for the basic needs of their citizens, governments are now assuming most if not all economic responsibilities. In theory this sounds like a good idea .... nut in practice .... governments are lousy and inefficient in providing basic needs.

As to the idea that Russian bombers will be flying to Cuba. Forget it. As mentioned in a previous post .... Russian Bombers Could Be Deployed To Cuba .... the resources are not there for the Russians to establish and maintain foreign bases.

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