Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Turning Their Backs On Jihad

From Der Spiegel:

More and more prominent terrorists are defecting from the cause. The Egyptian theologian Dr. Fadl is the best known, but many others are likewise reconsidering. Experts see it as a delayed reaction to the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

Noman Benotman walks into a restaurant on Park Lane, the exclusive, minimalist sort of place that is currently all the rage in London. People in business suits converse in hushed tones at nearby tables. Benotman, wearing an orange polo shirt and a gray checked blazer, fits in perfectly.

Benotman, a 41-year-old man from Libya, was once a jihadist. He fought against the Soviets in Afghanistan, and it was in those days, which some would later romanticize as heroic, that he met Osama bin Laden. Benotman says that he was once adept at using an AK-47, and that he remembers making out the faces of Soviet helicopter pilots before shooting them down.

Read more ....

My Comment: This is an overly optimistic report. There are over 1 billion Muslims in the world, even if 1% support Osama Bin Laden and his version of jihad, that would mean there are 10 million active supporters for terrorism and conflict with the West.

But I know .... and you the reader knows .... that Osama bin Laden's support runs much deeper.

To "change" the thinking of this 1 percent (and more) will take a lifetime ..... and probably the next few generations.

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