Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Unilateral Action By U.S. A Growing Fear In Pakistan

Riots In Karachi

From The New York Times:

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — Strong suggestions by the United States that it could resort to unilateral intervention against Al Qaeda and the Taliban in Pakistan are generating increasing anxiety in the Pakistani press and among government officials, who warn that such an action could backfire.

Over the last week, the Pakistani press has been filled with commentaries warning that American attacks without Pakistan’s permission would further inflame anti-American sentiment, drive more people into the camp of the militants and fatally undermine the already fragile civilian government. Privately, one senior government official said American strikes would produce “chaos.”

Read more ....

My Comment: The main Pakistani stock exchange collapsed last week. People with money are now abandoning Pakistan .... they can see where all the roads are now leading to, and they do not like the end result.

Rumors that American forces will be entering Pakistan to wipe out Taliban/Al Qaeda training camps is not helping Pakistan's internal situation. Extremists are using this to inflame those who support their vision of where Pakistan should be, and moderates are too disorganized on what should be done.

A perfect storm is brewing for Pakistan right now.

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