Friday, July 11, 2008

U.S. Presidential Candidate John McCain And Iraq

From Real Clear Politics:

McCain's Iraq Paradox
The war in Iraq, arguably with the exception of the bungled response to Hurricane Katrina, has been the single worst public relations disaster for a White House perhaps since Watergate. Yet for John McCain, the Iraq war, and Americans' confidence in his ability to lead the country to success, could be the only path to victory.

There is little question about how Americans view the war. An ABC News/Washington Post poll released late last month shows just 38% think the country is winning the war, while 46% say the country is losing. And only 34% say the war was worth fighting in the first place. President Bush, the man most associated with Iraq, has an approval rating of just 29% according to the latest RCP Average, while 67 % disapprove.

Read more ....

More News On McCain And Iraq
McCain’s Deficit Reduction Proposal – Adopt Obama’s Iraq Plan -- Democracy Arsenal
McCain wants much larger US military -- Nelson Mail
Army Gives More Money To Obama Than To McCain -- Javno
Ahh McCain, can you do it again? -- Sydney Morning Herald

My Comment: John McCain's position on Iraq is straight forward. Like President Bush, he is committed to victory regardless of the cost. Unlike Barack Obama whose position is continuously evolving, John McCain's position is not going to change.

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