Wednesday, July 9, 2008

What Terrorists , Immigrants To The U.S., U.S. Jihad Supporters Fear The Most

From Strata-Sphere:

Terrorists In Iraq And Afghanistan Came Out Of America

Reader Snapple referred us to some truly fascinating information regarding terrorists we have captured in Iraq and elsewhere - they were drawn out of America to fight our forces overseas!

In the 6 ½ years that the U.S. government has been fingerprinting insurgents, detainees and ordinary people in Afghanistan, Iraq and the Horn of Africa, hundreds have turned out to share an unexpected background, FBI and military officials said. They have criminal arrest records in the United States.

There was the suspected militant fleeing Somalia who had been arrested on a minor drug charge in New Jersey. And the man stopped at a checkpoint in Tikrit, Iraq, who claimed to be a poor dirt farmer – but also had 11 felony charges in the United States, including assault with a deadly weapon.

Read more ....

More commentary from Strategy Page.

My Comment: This is a wonderful tool for U.S. law enforcement agencies and the U.S. arm forces in identifying hostile forces both here and abroad. I can understand the fear that a person who is hostile to the U.S. may have when confronted or forced to be identified. They may be a person who may wish to immigrate to the U.S. one day, has family in the U.S., or just wants to visit the U.S. for himself .... this will be impossible now. For U.S. citizens captured in Iraq or Afghanistan, the same situation applies. The legal headaches alone will be a big headache.

Living breathing terrorists do not want their name published (except if they die in a martyrdom attack). They do not want to be dragged out of the shadows and revealed for who they are.

I am just curious if this information is shared with our allies?

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