Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Why Mugabe Won

Robert Mugabe

From Counter Terrorism Blog:

The tragic failure of the African Union to take any steps to sanction the fraudulent and violent regime of Robert Mugabe was a given as soon as the despot sat at the table. Because Mugabe knew his audience, or what was to be his jury.

Mugabe, correctly, told many other leaders that "their claims to power were no more legitimate than his," and chastised other for holding even worse elections than he did.

The tragedy for Africa is that Mugabe is right. And because he is right, Africa, particularly sub-Saharan Africa, remains an open wound, hospitable to radical Islamist groups (Somalia, Kenya, South Africa etc. for al Qaeda. The west coast, from Sierra Leone to Cameroon, for Hezbollah, and the Congo as a free for all, for criminals, terrorists and rogue states) and rapacious militias (the Lord's Resistance Army) and countless criminal gangs (Nigeria being the prime example.)

Read more ....

More News On Zimbabwe:
Mugabe Tells African Peers To Examine Own Records -- Washington Post
Mugabe's African Pals -- Wall Street Journal
African Union Calls for Settlement in Zimbabwe -- New York Times
Robert Mugabe, opposition reject calls for Zimbabwe unity -- LA Times
Robert Mugabe cements grip as African Union ducks censure -- Times Online
Robert Mugabe's thugs evict opposition supporters in Zimbabwe -- The Telegraph
Africa backs unity rule in Zimbabwe -- Independent
Pressure Builds on Mugabe Despite African Union's Move -- New York Sun
Cutting Off Zimbabwe's Currency -- Time Magazine
Zimbabwe: Humor, Hubris and Hyperinflation -- Newsweek
Opinion: Never forget how we created Robert Mugabe -- Times Online
Editorial: An African Failure -- Washington Post
Opinion: Does Zimbabwe Need a President? -- New York Times

My Comment: Robert Mugabe is not the exception to Africa .... he is the norm. As long as a culture of tribalism, economic socialism, corruption and ethnic hatreds persists, Africa will always be the tragedy that it is .... and we in the West can do nothing about it. We can dump a trillion dollars in aid to Africa this year .... and ten years later we will still have nothing to show for it.

It is only when Africa adopts a free market society, ruled by law, with a culture of tolerance .... that they may get to where we are in the next century.

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