Monday, August 18, 2008

An Eyewitness Account Of The Russian Occupation Of Gori, Georgia

Map of Georgia showing the latest situation in the conflict with Russia. Russia has moved short-range SS-21 missile launchers into South Ossetia since fighting there halted, and has yet to give any sign of a significant pullback of its troops from Georgia, US officials said Monday. (AFP/Jhl / Gil)

Inside The City Overrun By Russian Army -- The Independent

The Russian occupation of large areas of Georgia continued yesterday in apparent defiance of international agreements and promises to withdraw.

Gori, the largest city in Georgia held by the Russians, was blocked off from the international media by Russian soldiers in armoured cars who said they had no idea when they would be pulling out. The Independent, which reached the city yesterday by using back roads, found a population angry towards both the Russians and the Georgian government.

Long queues have formed outside the sole distribution centre for food aid in the city, with residents complaining that they are not being given nearly enough.

Unlike the main road from the capital Tbilisi to Gori, which had numerous Georgian and Russian checkpoints, the back route was relatively clear, with The Independent being waved through by two soldiers after a cursory glance at our papers.

Read more ....

My Comment: I wish we had more on the ground reporting like this. I understand the region is very dangerous for reporters, but news reporting like this gives all of us a better idea on what is exactly happening there.

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