Monday, August 11, 2008

Georgian Troops Abandoning Positions -- Retreating To Capital City

Russian rocket fire hits a convoy of departing Georgian troops just outside Gori Photo: AFP/GETTY

Georgia: Russia fighting on several fronts as Georgian
troops withdraw to defend Tbilisi -- The Telegraph

Russian troops have advanced into Georgia on two fronts after Vladimir Putin rejected calls for a ceasefire and strongly criticised the US's role in the crisis.

A Georgian official has said it is transferring "all its troops" from South Ossetia towards Tbilisi amid fighting in the city of Gori, about 35 miles to the south-east of the capital.

Georgians were witnessed by the Telegraph in a full scale disorganised and panicked retreat from Gori. They were crammed into vehicles heading down road from Gori to Tbilisi, the capital. They say 6,000-7,000 Russian troops are heading their way and the Georgians are abandoning their positions.

Kakha Lomaia, a senior Georgian security official, said: "We received very reliable information that the Russians decided to move towards Gori. That's why we decided to pull out all our troops and to relocate them - to defend Tbilisi."

Lomaia has since claimed that Russian forces have "captured" the city. However a Reuters reporter in Gori said: "We are right now driving through the town and I see no trace of troops or military vehicles. It is absolutely deserted."

Read more ....

More News From The Front

Russians seize key city, open second Georgia front -- Breitbart
Russia opens 2nd front in Georgia, seizing towns -- Yahoo News/AP

My Comment: Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili visited the city of Gori this morning to assess the situation and damage. When a Russian air strike was occurring in the city, his bodyguards took him and fled the area. I am sure that his quick and abrupt departure gave the impression to the Georgian soldiers in the area that Russian soldiers were not far away, and that they should make a run for it also.

This is what the reporters from The Telegraph are witnessing. They are seeing an army in disarray and are reporting this observation to the world.

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