Saturday, August 9, 2008

Georgia / Russia War News Updates -- Russian Soldiers Occupy South Ossetia, War Spreads To The Province Abkhazia (Update #5)

A Georgian man cries as he holds the body of his relative after a bombardment in Gori, 80 km (50 miles) from Tbilisi, August 9, 2008. A Russian warplane dropped a bomb on an apartment block in Gori on Saturday, killing at least 5 people, a Reuters reporter said. The bomb hit the five-story building close to Georgia's embattled breakaway province of South Ossetia when Russian warplanes carried out a raid against military targets around the town. REUTERS/Gleb Garanich (GEORGIA)

Georgia: In 'State Of War' Over South Ossetia -- Yahoo News

OUTSIDE TSKHINVALI, Georgia - Russia and small, U.S.-allied Georgia headed toward a wider war Saturday as Russian tanks rumbled into the contested province of South Ossetia and Russian aircraft bombed a Georgian town, escalating a conflict that already has left hundreds dead.

Georgia's Foreign Ministry said the country was "in a state of war" and accused Russia of beginning a "massive military aggression." The Georgian parliament approved a state of martial law, mobilizing reservists and ordering government authorities to work round-the-clock.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said that Moscow sent troops into South Ossetia to force Georgia into a cease-fire and prevent Georgia from retaking control of its breakaway region after it launched a major offensive there overnight Friday.

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Previous Post: The War In The Caucasuses Is Now Spreading

More News On The Russian/Georgian War

Putin accuses Georgia of genocide -- BBC News
Western words fall on deaf Russian ears -- BBC News
Russia escalates Georgia attack -- MSNBC
Fighting escalates in Caucasus -- International Herald Tribune
Georgia and Russia Nearing All-Out War -- New York Times
Georgia: In 'state of war' over South Ossetia -- Washington Post
Georgia to US: Airlift Our Troops From Iraq -- ABC News
The Pipeline War: Russian bear goes for West's jugular -- Daily Mail
Armor streams into South Ossetia as refugees flee -- CNN
U.S. official: Russia's attack on Georgia is 'disproportionate' -- CNN
Russia Rejects Cease-Fire With Georgia -- CBS
Russia Is Waging `Full-Scale War' Over S. Ossetia (Update1) -- Bloomberg
U.S. says Russia uses 'disproportionate' force -- Reuters
1,500 dead as Georgia conflict escalates -- The Independent
Georgia declares 'state of war' over South Ossetia -- The Guardian
Mass exodus: More than 50,000 flee as Russia ignores Georgia's calls for ceasefire -- The Daily Mail
The Pipeline War: Heartbreaking phone call from woman trapped as missiles fall -- The Daily Mail
Western diplomats fly to Georgia to negotiate ceasefire -- Daily Mail
Georgia conflict: Screams of the injured rise from residential streets -- The Telegraph
Georgia: Crisis deepens as Russia snubs George W Bush's call to pull troops out -- The Telegraph
Georgia: Tbilisi residents defiant in face of Russian military might -- The Telegraph
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev says Georgia must pull out of South Ossetia -- Times Online
‘Bodies are lying everywhere. It’s hell’ -- Times Online
Georgia pulls 1,000 troops from Iraq -- Times Online
Hundreds die as Georgia war escalates -- Times Online
Russia condemns Georgian military operation -- Radio Netherlands
Georgia: In 'State of War' Over South Ossetia -- New York Sun
Britain urges Russia to accept Georgia ceasefire offer -- AFP
Caught off guard, Britain and US try to broker peace -- Times Online
Georgia may pull out of Beijing Games -- MSNBC


Georgia makes a power play — and a big gamble -- MSNBC
Georgia: Roots of the South Ossetia conflict -- Telegraph
Georgia: US training gives Georgia military advantage -- Telegraph
Georgia: Key players in the conflict -- Telegraph
Has Georgia Overreached in Ossetia? -- Time Magazine
How Georgia Fell Into Its Enemies' Trap -- Times of London
The War That Russia Wants -- The Guardian
Kremlin Determined to Break Georgia's Will -- New York Post
Georgia Should Have Stepped Back -- Washington Post
Russia strikes a blow at its fears of Nato encirclement -- Times Online
Small wars have a nasty habit of getting bigger -- Times Online
How the frozen conflict turned into a flash fire -- The Guardian
Russia Turns War Machine Loose -- Times of London
Georgia's Action Could Prove Reckless -- The Guardian
Is this the First War between Russia and a Former Soviet State? -- Der Spiegel
Caucasus Violence Surprises Europe -- Der Spiegel
A Threat Explodes In Georgia -- Washington Post


‘Invasion of Georgia’ a ‘3 a.m. moment’ -- Politico
Russia's 'Full Scale Invasion' of Georgia (Updated, with Video) -- Danger Room
Georgia update -- Foreign Policy
Morning Russia-Georgia Roundup -- Lawyers, Guns and money
Georgia: played? -- Fistful Of Euros
Georgia: The Blame Game -- Global Voices



FOX News

CBS News

Al Jazeera


Georgia: Roots of the South Ossetia conflict -- Telegraph
South Ossetia: factbox -- The Telegraph
The tussle for South Ossetia -- The Guardian
Timeline: South Ossetia -- The Guardian
Q & A: Behind the battle for South Ossetia -- MSNBC
Q&A: Violence in South Ossetia -- BBC News
Timeline: Key Events in Russian-Georgian Relations - Associated Press
How Russian and Georgian Forces Stack Up - Reuters
Factbox: International Reaction to South Ossetia Conflict - Reuters
Georgia - CIA World Factbook
Russia - CIA World Factbook
Georgia - BBC Country Page
Russia - BBC Country Page
South Ossetia - New York Times background and related news
South Ossetia - BBC background

NEXT UPDATE: 10:00 EST, Sunday, August 10, 2008

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very handy, thanx a lot for this blog ........ This is what I was looking for.