Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Ominous Signs In Iraq

A United States soldier patrolled the outskirts of Baquba, the capital of Diyala Province, where there are sectarian tensions.

Bungled Raid In Diyala Threatens Political Developments, Military Operations -- Long War Journal

BAQUBAH, IRAQ: Recent political progress in Diyala may unravel after a botched attempt to capture a provincial official at the main governmental center in Baqubah killed an assistant to the provincial governor.

An attempt to arrest a Sunni member of the provincial parliament, Husain al Zubsidy, by a special division of the Iraqi Army went foul early on Aug. 19, causing a 30-minute firefight between the Iraqi army and local police. A special assistant to the governor of Diyala was killed in the shootout. The assistant, al Tamimi, was also a close relative of the governor of Diyala, Ra’ad Rashid al Tamini, and the killing has threatened to unhinge gains made in recent weeks.

Read more ....

More News On The Province Of Diyala, Iraq

Iraqi Government Raid Threatens to Inflame Province’s Tensions -- New York Times
Iraqi PM orders probe in raid on Diyala provincial governor's office -- China View
Iraqi Troops Detain Prominent Sunni Leader's Son -- Voice Of America
Iraqi troops detain son of Sunni leader -- AFP
Sectarian Bias Alleged In Iraqi Raids in Diyala -- Washington Post
Raid on governor's office in Iraq's Diyala province sparks outrage -- LA Times

My Comment: With provincial elections coming in a few months, tensions in the mainly Sunni provinces with Shiite communities will increase with time. But unlike U.S. elections, Iraqi retail politics can get very nasty.

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