Wednesday, August 13, 2008

President Bush Skeptical That Moscow Is Honoring Cease-Fire In Neighboring Georgia

George Bush And Vladimir Putin

From Yahoo News/AP:

WASHINGTON - President Bush said Wednesday he is skeptical that Moscow is honoring a cease-fire in neighboring Georgia, demanding that Russia end all military activities in the former Soviet republic and withdraw all its forces.

"The United States stands with the democratically elected government of Georgia and insists that the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia be respected," Bush said sternly during brief remarks in the White House Rose Garden.

"To demonstrate our solidarity with the Georgian people," the president announced that he was sending Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to Paris to assist the West's diplomatic efforts on the crisis, and then to the Georgian capital of Tbilisi. Rice was leaving Washington Wednesday evening.

Read more ....

My Comment: After President Bush's statements, reports are coming in that Russian forces are leaving key strategic Georgian towns. While for the Georgians this is good news (finally), in the big picture Russian and American relations are at a low point which is bad for all of us.

It is clear that U.S. and Russian relations will take a long time to repair themselves. The Russians are furious that Americans airlifted Georgian soldiers with full combat gear into Georgia from Iraq, and the Americans are troubled that a loyal ally is having their army bombed into destruction.

As I had mentioned in a post a few days ago .... this is a lose / lose situation for everyone. I am confident that relations will improve with time .... especially with a new U.S. administration set to occupy the White House in 5 months. But there are a number of urgent matters that need to be addressed now but will not because of animosity and distrust between the two governments.

Is it me .... but do I hear the Iranian Government laughing now.

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