Friday, September 19, 2008

Arming The Taleban

From The BBC:

"We sometimes seize arms and ammunition," said a Taleban commander in south-eastern Afghanistan.

"We're using whatever weapons are left over from Russian times and we buy from different sources - Pakistan, Iran, Russia - wherever we can get them."

I met the Taleban commander, a veteran of 30 years of war, in a safe house - one of the typical mud-built, fortress-like houses of the south-east where a six-metre (six-yard) high wall protects an extended family all living in the same compound.

The night before, I had been woken by the noise of small arms and rocket-propelled grenades. A nearby government office was being attacked.

The Taleban are targeting main roads and towns.

Their tactics differ from the mujahedeen who, fighting the Soviet occupation 30 years ago, started by taking villages and building up "liberated" territory.

The Taleban's aim, said the commander, was to force the American army to leave.

"We're ambushing the Americans, planting roadside bombs. We never let them relax," he said.

Read more ....

My Comment: Procuring weapons is probably one of the easiest things to do in the world. Embargoes, border closings, banning weapons, etc. etc. .... if you have the money, someone will always feed your need.

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