Monday, September 15, 2008

The Coming Cyberwar: Inside The Pentagon's Plan To Fight Back

From Popular Mechanics:

With U.S. military networks under daily attack, PM visits the new Air Force Cyber Command to find out how America is gearing up for a digital fight—if we’re not already losing it.

In the American Civil War, agents from both the Union and Confederate sides routinely climbed telegraph poles and cut enemy lines, then disguised their work so that it was undetectable from the ground. From these humble beginnings the concept of network information warfare was born. By literally “hacking” telegraph wires, saboteurs found a way to turn telecommunications technology, which military commanders relied on to mobilize troops, from an asset to a liability.

In the modern American military, digital telecommunication is so integral to command and control of forces and equipment that the disruption of data can do more to disable a fighting force than a thousand bombs. Some of our most advanced systems, such as Predator UAVs, are controlled by operators thousands of miles from the battlefield. A severed connection could turn a weaponized drone into an impotent toy—or worse, a tool for the enemy.

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