Monday, September 22, 2008

Militarization Of Space Is Now Approaching A New Level

Militarization of Space Means U.S. Needs Space Defenses, Say Members of Congressional Missile Defense Caucus -- CNS News

( – Adversarial nations now see outer space as a legitimate military theater from which to attack America’s military and economic interests, according to national security experts and members of Congress who favor strong countermeasures, including a missile defense system.

The functional difference between space-based military operations and missile defense technology is rapidly disappearing, Rep. Trent Franks (R-Ariz.) said on Capitol Hill last week. Unless the U.S. works aggressively to fully exploit its technological edge in outer space, nations with hostile intentions will move to neutralize America’s advantage, he said.

“If we don’t step up, we not only endanger ourselves, we really step back as the world’s leader,” Franks said. “This is especially important in light of the other advances other nations are making, without any of the reticence our liberal friends in Congress have.”

Franks spoke during a gathering of the Congressional Missile Defense Caucus, which he chairs. He was joined by Rep. Pete Sessions (R-Texas) and Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-Colo.), who are also members of the caucus. They each expressed concern over the vulnerability of U.S. satellites and the need to integrate missile defense technology with other military components that operate in orbit above Earth.

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My Comment: This is a procurement project that goes on and on and on .....

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