Monday, September 15, 2008

The Mind Od An Iraqi Shiite Madhi Commander

We Will Spill British Blood, Warns Sheikh
Ahmad Fartusi -- Times Online

The man who orchestrated the killing of 67 UK troops in Basra province is ready to do it again

FROM a glance at the clean-shaven young man in jeans puffing serenely on an apple-flavoured hubble-bubble in a coffee shop near Beirut, you would never guess that he had set off a firestorm of shootings and bombings that killed 67 British soldiers in the southern Iraqi province of Baser.

Yet Sheikh Ahmad Fartusi, a 36-year-old father of three, not only launched the operations that shook British troops struggling to win the hearts and minds of Basra’s people four years ago; he orchestrated attacks for 18 months until he was caught, and inspired the fighters who continued the violence while he languished in prison.

Such is his standing in the Shi’ite Mahdi Army that he was able to halt the onslaught last year in a secret deal negotiated with British officials in his cell. He was freed six months ago, apparently at the request of Nouri al-Maliki, the Iraqi prime minister.

Speaking to The Sunday Times in his first interview, Fartusi gazed out over the shimmering Mediterranean and reflected that everything had changed in Basra since the spring.

Read more ....

My Comment: There is a reason why he is in Beirut. He knows that of he returns to Basra, and resume the fight again, he will be killed. American and Iraqi soldiers are not the British .... as they have proven everywhere in Iraq, when you fight the coalition you will lose. I am sure that Sheikh Ahmad Fartusi knows that.

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