Monday, September 22, 2008

Osama Bin Laden's Polling Numbers

Support For Osama Bin Laden Drops Dramatically
In Jordan - Survey -- Jordan Times

AMMAN - Jordanian Muslims' support for Osama Ben Laden has dropped dramatically this year, with only 19 per cent expressing confidence in Al Qaeda leader, compared to 61 per cent three years ago, according to a study.

A spring 2008 survey by the Pew Research Centre’s Pew Global Attitudes Project indicated that since 2002, the percentage of those who believe that suicide bombing and other forms of violence against civilians are justified to defend Islam from its enemies has declined in most predominantly Muslim countries surveyed and opinions about Ben Laden have followed a similar trend.

According to the report, 20 per cent of Lebanese Muslims and 15 per cent of Turkish Muslims had positive views of Ben Laden in 2003, but seven years after the September 11 attacks, his ratings have plummeted to the low single digits in both countries (Turkey 3 per cent and Lebanon 2 per cent).

Substantial numbers of Muslims, however, continue to express confidence in Ben Laden, according to the poll, notably in Nigeria (58 per cent), Indonesia (37 per cent) and Pakistan (34 per cent).

The survey, which was conducted between March 17 and April 21 this year, indicated that Jordanian Muslims’ support for suicide attacks dropped by 18 points since 2002, but a quarter still support suicide attacks.

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My Comment: Even though Osama Bin Laden's support in the Muslim community has dropped, there are still hundreds of millions who support him.

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