Saturday, September 20, 2008

Sri Lanka War -- News Reports And Bulletins

Tamil tiger rebels fire their weapons against government soldiers Photo: REUTERS

Sri Lanka's Military Says Heavy Fighting Kills Over 70 -- AP

COLOMBO, Sri Lanka (AP) — Tamil Tiger separatists and government forces fought intense battles across Sri Lanka's embattled northern region, killing at least 62 rebels and eight soldiers, the military said Friday.

Deadly infantry clashes raged throughout the day Thursday along the front lines separating government controlled territory and the rebels' de facto state in the north, military spokesman Brig. Udaya Nanayakkara said.

Clashes in Kilinochchi district, home to the rebels' de facto capital, killed 17 rebels and five soldiers, he said. Another 14 soldiers were wounded.

Other battles killed 20 insurgents and three soldiers, he said.

The Tamil Tigers, meanwhile, said they repelled a government offensive in Kilinochchi on Thursday, killing 25 soldiers. The report was seen on the rebel-affiliated TamilNet Web site.

A ferocious sea battle off the island's northwest coast on Thursday killed 25 rebel sailors and wounded two government sailors, Nanayakkara said.

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More News On Sri Lnaka

Sri Lanka: An 'island of blood' -- National Post
Heavy fighting as Sri Lankan troops move on rebel HQ -- AFP
Fighting rages in Sri Lanka's north, at least 63 killed -- Reuters
Sri Lanka Battles Tamil Rebels in Land, Air and Sea Attacks -- Bloomberg
Seventy dead in Sri Lanka fighting -- The Telegraph
Tigers on defensive as Sri Lanka military closes in -- AFP
Tamil Tigers killed during sea battle with Sri Lankan navy -- The Independent

My Comment: The Tiger guerillas are about to expelled into the jungle. Their last main military base is about to fall to Sri Lankan forces.

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