Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Shrinking Of FARC

FARC Leaders And Soldiers

More Guerrillas Deserting FARC -- TVNZ

Starving, ringed by army patrols and cut off from commanders, Colombian guerrilla veteran Wilson Bueno decided to risk the unthinkable - he deserted, fleeing into the jungle with a guerrilla hostage held for eight years.

His surrender to the army on Sunday with captive Oscar Lizcano has highlighted how far intense military pressure, government rewards and tips from informants are undermining the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC, the oldest surviving insurgency in Latin America.

"The FARC now is a very diminished group, without political orientation. They are disappearing, guerrillas have no morale and they are falling apart," Bueno told reporters after he and Lizcano, a former lawmaker, survived a three-day trek to reach an army outpost.

Once a mighty peasant army that held sway over large parts of Colombia, the FARC has been battered this year by the deaths of three top commanders and the rescue in July of a group of high-profile hostages.

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My Comment: FARC will revert to a criminal organization, subsidized by cocaine profits. The ideology that helped make it an organization that was different from the other narco gangs is no longer there.

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