Thursday, November 27, 2008

Czech Upper House Approves Missile Shield

An SM-3 missile interceptor is launched from the Japanese destroyer Kongo in the Pacific Ocean on Monday. The interceptor destroyed a dummy ballistic missile in a test. Japanese MOD via Reuters

From Reuters:

PRAGUE (Reuters) - The upper house of the Czech parliament backed a plan on Thursday to build a U.S. missile defense shield base in the central European country, but it faces tough scrutiny in the lower chamber.

Washington plans to build a radar in the Czech Republic and place 10 interceptor rockets in Poland as a part of its plan to protect the United States and its allies from missiles that could be fired from countries such as Iran.

The plan must still be cleared by the Czech lower house, where the government lacks a majority and the opposition is against the agreement.

"If I did not believe in the chances (that it gets approved in the lower house), I would not fight for it so much," Czech Foreign Affairs Minister Karel Schwarzenberg told Reuters after the vote.

A final vote in the lower house is not expected at least until after the new U.S. administration takes power in January.

Read more ....

My Comment:
Much will ride on what will President-elect Obama may decide. Sen. Clinton, Sec. Def. Gates, and other aides have voiced approval of the Czech decision .... but President Obama's decision is the one that will count.

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