Tuesday, November 25, 2008

NATO Treats Pirates With Kid Gloves: Indian Admiral (Updated)

From The Danger Room:

Are the U.S. and her allies being too gentle with Somalia's pirates? That's the accusation from Indian retired Rear Admiral Raja Menon.

NATO's rules of engagement -- when their ships can fire, and when the can't -- "worries more about the human rights of the pirates, than about stamping out piracy," Menon writes in the New Indian Express. "Actually there is an 1838 convention that permits any warship to interfere anywhere on the ‘High Seas’ to intercept pirates and try them — without handing them over to the country of origin. Today’s interpretation by human rights lawyers state that pirates cannot even be handed over to their own state if that state does not respect the human rights of the pirates. This is an absurd situation."

Read more .....

My Comment: No direction. No leadership. No will to win. Why do we have a Navy to begin with .... when we tell them not to do their job.


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