Tuesday, November 25, 2008

President-elect Obama And The Presidential Transition -- Commentaries/Opinions/Editorials

President-elect Obama And The Presidential Transition

Brent Scowcroft and Obama's Middle East Policy -- American Thinker
Obama's Ahead of the Game, For Now -- NYDN
Borrowing from Lincoln's Genius -- Boston Globe
Obama's Next Arab Headache -- Slate
Last Thing We Need is Clinton at State - Christopher Hitchens, Slate
What the Next 4 Years Will Bring -- Weekly Standard
Obama Will Govern Above Politics -- Washington Post
Increased Spending Will Make Things Worse -- Daily Beast
Obama's Troika May Push for Deeper Role in the Economy -- Bloomberg
Bush and Obama Work to Calm Volatile Market -- New York Times
Obama Chides Automakers -- Wall Street Journal
Duped by Wishful Thinking of Obama -- The Nation
Obama Sees Crisis as an Opportunity to Be Bold -- Wash Post
The President-Elect's New Economic Philosophy -- NY Post
Dems vs. Dems in New Congress -- Politico
Euro Socialists Should Look to Obama -- Financial Times
Obama, Darfur and ICC Justice -- Christian Science Monitor

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