Thursday, November 27, 2008

Somali Pirates And Their American Connection

Exclusive: Somali Pirates Call on American Benefactor
-- DoD Buzz

The pirates who captured the Saudi oil tanker Sirius Star have broken off negotiations with the ship’s owners, apparently insisting they want to talk with a wealthy Virginia woman with close ties to the US military and intelligence communities.

Michele Lynn Ballarin, a figure only Washington could offer the world, runs a small Virginia-based company, SelectArmor, that designs and makes body armor and provides executive protection to wealthy individuals. She has a long history of involvement in Somalia, including allegations by a respected publication — Africa Confidential — that she was helping plan military operations there in 2006. spoke with Ballarin for more than an hour Nov. 24 and she told us she has been in regular touch with the pirates by satellite phone — the last contact was Monday at 5 p.m. Eastern Time — and had just returned from Somalia Nov. 18.

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My Commentary: This is a story that will intrigue you.

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