Wednesday, November 26, 2008

U.S. Secretary Of Defense Robert Gates To Stay On In A President Obama Administration

Common Ground for Defense Chief and Obama
-- New York Times

WASHINGTON — As defined by his commander in chief, the mission of Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates for the last two years has been to win the war in Iraq.

But beginning on Jan. 20, Mr. Gates’s mission will be to end the war in Iraq, assuming the Pentagon boss stays in his post under an agreement with a new commander in chief, President-elect Barack Obama.

That contrast might seem to leave Mr. Gates consigned to serious whiplash.

While Mr. Obama campaigned on a pledge to withdraw all American combat brigades from Iraq within 16 months, or by May 2010, Mr. Gates has spent his time at the Pentagon arguing a Bush administration position that has opposed setting strict timetables for withdrawal.

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More News On Sec. Def. Robert Gates Staying On In An Obama Administration

Who will stay with Robert Gates? -- Politico
Gates to Reportedly Stay on as Pentagon Chief -- Voice of America
Obama Plans to Retain Gates at Defense Department -- New York Times
Gates Agrees to Stay on at Defense Post if Asked -- Washington Times
Secretary of Defense Gates to stay on in Obama Cabinet -- Los Angeles Times
Bush’s Defence Secretary to Stay on at Pentagon -- The Times
Gates to Stay on in Obama Administration -- Daily Telegraph
Official: Obama asks Gates to stay at Pentagon -- Associated Press
Gates Staying on as Defense Chief -- Boston Globe
Gates 'to Stay as Pentagon Chief' -- BBC News
Gates Said to Stay on at Pentagon in Obama Presidency -- Bloomberg
Gates to Stay as US Defense Secretary -- Reuters

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