Tuesday, December 23, 2008

500 Security Guards To Protect Two Pandas

The four-year-old pandas have been living at the research centre after being
evacuated from the Wolong reserve (Chen Xie/AP )

Armed Escort For Very Important Panda Passengers
-- Times Online

As dangerously picky eaters and notoriously lacklustre lovers China’s giant pandas are used to living life under the threat of extinction. Until now, however, they have never had to contend with assassination.

When Tuantuan and Yuanyuan prepared to leave today for their new home in Taiwan as goodwill tokens from Beijing to Taipei, however, the Chinese authorities were leaving nothing to chance. The pandas will travel with a 500-strong guard detail that would put the most paranoid presidential motorcade to shame.

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My Comment:A 500-strong guard detail to protect 2 panda bears ... I am speechless.

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