Friday, December 19, 2008

Army Trains to Fight Hybrid Enemies

From DoD Buzz:

The Army released its new training manual this week, known as FM 7-0, (accessed here) updating the last version published in 2002. The manual is intended to shift the Army’s mindset from a focus on offense and defense operations in large conventional battles to operating successfully anywhere along the “spectrum of conflict,” including counterinsurgency and peacekeeping operations.

Much has changed since the last edition of 7-0 came out, itself heavily influenced by the 1991 Gulf War, the defining experience for the Post Cold War military. Gulf War I cemented in many the idea that future wars would be conventional force-on-force confrontations between massed tank armies with victory going to whoever could marshal the most firepower. The precise application of firepower became an obsession for those who embraced the notion that new technologies had ushered in a revolution in military affairs.

Read more ....

My Comment: What a difference a war makes.

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