Saturday, December 20, 2008

Congo Warlord Has Wide Ambitions

Laurent Nkunda

From the International Herald Tribune:

BUNAGANA, Congo: At the entrance to this bustling border town is a most unusual sight: a speed limit sign. In fresh red, white and blue paint, it is a rare manifestation of order in a nation better known for chaos.

The seemingly innocuous signpost is emblematic of the growing might and wider ambitions of Laurent Nkunda, the renegade Congolese general and warlord who now holds part of Congo's future in his grip.

"I am fighting for the destiny of this country," said Nkunda, offering up the orderly streets and neatly terraced farms of the surrounding countryside as evidence of what Congo might be like if he ran things. "What we want is to restore the dignity of this country and these people."

Read more ....

My Comment: What Africa needs .... another megalomaniac who is looking for his 15 minutes of fame.

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