Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Establishment Of A Natural Gas Cartel

Natural gas production by country (countries in brown and then red have the largest production). Image is from the Natural Gas Bank.

Gas OPEC? Not Quite -- Forbes Magazine

Russia unites a dozen countries under the banner of energy cooperation, but it's not yet a sinister prospect.

The outlines of a "gas OPEC" seemed to take shape on Tuesday, though its teeth might not be as sharp as feared.

On Tuesday, energy ministers from 12 gas-exporting countries flew to Moscow to formally unite as one group, fueling suspicions that this would essentially extend an original "troika" of Iran, Russia and Qatar announced back in October. But it will be a long while before any such "gas OPEC" achieves the control and the influence of its oil-exporting counterpart, as the natural gas market has not yet moved out of the shadow of crude oil.

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More News On The Establishment Of A Natural Gas Cartel

Russia hosts gas group, faces OPEC ire over oil -- Reuters
Exporters meet to create ‘gas Opec’ -- Financial Times
Natural-gas producers set charter -- International Herald Tribune
Russian PM: Era of Cheap Natural Gas is Ending -- Voice Of America
Gas Producers Meet in Moscow Amid Russian Dispute With Ukraine -- Bloomberg
Gas exporting states form new forum -- Deutsche Welle

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