Saturday, December 20, 2008

French Politicians Fear Youth Violence Along Greek Pattern

A protester in Athens on Thursday. (Yiorgos Karahalis/Reuters)

From The International Herald Tribune:

PARIS: Firebombs and breaking glass, tear gas and burning cars. The images from Greece this month were enough to put the fear of youth into the hearts of European leaders.

That dread was palpable in France when President Nicolas Sarkozy abruptly delayed for one year a plan to overhaul France's high schools, after students from Bordeaux to Brittany took to the streets in protest.

Those demonstrations haven't turned violent yet. But French history, and the example of Greece, suggests they might. At least that is what people like Laurent Fabius, a Socialist Party leader, are saying on French radio.

Read more ....

My Comment: The French Government is actually afraid of what the North African Muslim community is going to do .... not youth violence.

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