Sunday, December 28, 2008

Hamas Is Now Being Criticized In Some Arab Quarters

Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit harshly censured Hamas for the current situation in Gaza:

Video from Internet-Haganah.

Update: Hamas accuses PA, Egypt of collusion -- Jerusalem Post

Update #2: Al-Sharq Al-Awsat: Let Hamas Bear the Consequences of Its Actions -- Memri Blog

Jules Crittenden does an extensive analysis of the situation HERE.

Iran is not happy with the lack of support from Arab countries for Hamas.

My Comment: I am not privy to Israeli classified military information, but I can see easily see two possible options that the Israeli military will now be following: (1) Air bombardment followed by a limited ground campaign whose stated purpose will be to eliminate and kill senior Hamas officers and soldiers. (2) A massive ground assault with the purpose of eliminating the political infrastructure of Hamas.

Option #2 will involve enormous casualties on both sides .... a thousand to two thousand Palestinian deaths, 200 to 300 Israeli deaths .... but Hamas's political infrastructure will be destroyed. This is probably the option that the Israeli leadership is considering now, even though Olmert mentioned yesterday at the start of hostilities that Israel will not enter Gaza.

Update #3: Israel calls up 6,000 military reservists -- UPI

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