Friday, December 19, 2008

How To Prevent A Digital 9/11

From Pajamas Media:

Washington and software companies must work in tandem to defend America against a devastating cyberattack.

It starts on a cold November night. You went to sleep, comfortably warm, after listening to the late news: a nor’easter coming through, the worst storm in several years. You go to bed, quietly excited at the thought of the fairly certain snow day — build a snowman with the kids, maybe work through the email that has piled up, and do a little online shopping; after all Christmas is coming.

That’s not the way it works out, though — about 3 a.m., you awaken, cold. The house is too cold. You get out of bed — the hardwood floor icy against your feet — and when you flip the hall light switch, nothing happens. Odd, the power is out. Automatically, you look out the window and realize the whole neighborhood is dark; in fact, there is no sky glow — usually, you can see the red shimmer of New York City on a cloudy night. It’s darker than you’ve ever seen it.

Read more ....

My Comment: Its hard to see such an attack happening .... but if hackers target a minimum of 100 crucial targets in electrical, banking, air transportation, and communication .... the cascade effect can be disastrous.

Will such an action be an act of war ..... of course it is. But because our leaders have not properly defined the threat and the consequences, our reactions can also not be properly defined .... and because they are not defined we will probably do nothing .... or do a lot.

This uncertainty is more terrifying than the action of a digital 9/11 itself.

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