Friday, December 26, 2008

Iraq War News Updates -- December 26, 2008

The Rev. Basman George Fatouhi, third from left, leading Christmas Mass at Saint Paul's Chaldean Church in Mosul, Iraq on Wednesday. Sam Dagher/The New York Times

Qaeda 'Emirs' Flee In Deadly Iraq Jailbreak -- Yahoo News/AFP

RAMADI, Iraq (AFP) – A local Al-Qaeda chief known as "Imad the killer" escaped in a pre-dawn breakout from an Iraqi police station on Friday, triggering a wild shootout that left 13 militants and policemen dead.

Imad Ahmed Farhan, who police say has admitted to murdering at least 100 people, is on the run with two other "emirs" or local leaders of Al-Qaeda who broke out of their cells in a police station in the western city of Ramadi.

"During an exchange of fire between prisoners trying to escape and police officers in the station, six policemen and seven prisoners were killed," provincial police chief Tareq al-Dulaimi said.

The three prisoners managed to flee but one was recaptured, Dulaimi said, adding that another four policemen were wounded in the shootout that occurred at 2 am (2300 GMT Thursday) at Forsan police station in the centre of Ramadi.

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More News On Iraq

Ramadi prison revolt leaves 16 dead -- McClatchy Newspapers
Police: 13 killed in jailbreak in Ramadi, Iraq -- AP
13 Killed as Iraqi Prisoners Try Escape -- New York Times
Militants Escape, Seven Police Dead in Iraq Clash -- Reuters
Iraqi Prime Minister Cancels Iran Trip -- Washington Post
Political Power Plays Unsettle Iraq -- New York Times
US Forces Must Get Court Approval for Raids -- The Times
Aussie Troops to Stay in Iraq to Mid-2009 -- The Australian
FACTBOX - Security developments in Iraq -- Reuters
Car Bomb Kills 4 in Baghdad -- Voice of America
The Shoe-Thrower Becomes an Issue in Iraq Election -- Time Magazine
Shoe-Hurler Raises Up Iraq’s Reputation Abroad -- New York Times
In Mosul, Iraqi Christians Brave the Violence to Celebrate Christmas -- New York Times
Returning Home is Greatest Gift for Iraqi Christians -- Los Angeles Times
Iraq Celebrates Christmas as Official Holiday for First Time -- Associated Press

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