Saturday, December 20, 2008

Mullah Omar's Designs On India -- Editorial

From Rediff:

Did you hear what Sitaram Yechury told the Rajya Sabha during the debate on the tragedy in Mumbai?

'With the Indo-US nuclear deal, with the strategic partnership that you are building with the United States of America, are you prepared to face the threats of Taliban and Al Qaeda reaching our shores, not that Indian Muslims will be converted but the attacks will come from outside India because you are seen as a strategic ally of the USA? Has this even entered our radar of thinking that because of this nuclear deal and the strategic relationship we are exposing ourselves to new types of terrorist threats, which did not exist in India earlier?'

First, I hope Comrade Yechury was merely letting his dislike of the United States come through. If he was sincere in what he said, doesn't that amount to handing a veto over Indian foreign policy to the likes of the Taliban?

Read more ....

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