Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Politicization Of U.S. Intelligence

The controversy over John Brennan complicates Barack Obama’s efforts to have a smooth transition on intelligence matters. Lawrence Jackson / Associated Press (Photo from The L.A. Times)

Obama Intelligence Pick Torpedoed By Bloggers
-- FOX News

John Brennan, Obama's chief intelligence adviser and anticipated CIA chief, was recently forced to withdraw his name -- and the drumbeat of opposition came not from the front pages, but from left-wing bloggers.

President-elect Barack Obama has shown almost perfect pitch in crafting his new administration, aptly choosing old hands instead of fresh faces and bringing in the experience he lacks.

But there is one glaring void. Obama has yet to name key intelligence officials to manage the war against terrorism.

And one of the central reasons he hasn't come forward with a pick for one of the top jobs is because he's running into pressure from an unexpected source -- left-wing bloggers.

Read more ....

My Comment: The scary part of this story is that President-elect Obama listened to the critics .... and then torpedoed his own favored nomination. What does this say about the President-elect? Nothing but silence in the main stream media.

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