Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Promoting Peace In Afghanistan – With A Lighter Touch

Rich Clabaugh/Christian Science Monitor Staff

From the Christian Science Monitor:

A provincial reconstruction team's visit to a remote area underscores the challenges of winning hearts and minds.

Barge Matal, Afghanistan - A provincial reconstruction team (PRT) has landed in remote Barge Matal, and everyone – from the elders up the mountain trails to the girls who usually spend their days hidden from view – wants to make requests, lodge complaints, and generally be part of the action.

Born out of the mantra that the war in Afghanistan cannot be won by military means alone, the mission of these small units – 26 in total – is to coordinate with local leaders and do development work – thus winning Afghan hearts and minds.

Read more ....

My Comment: This same tactic was used in Vietnam (with many more teams) .... and it failed because of corruption on the local level, a South Vietnamese Army that could not match the North Vietnamese, and a lack of strategy to win from the U.S. side.

Hmmmmm .... seems like the U.S. is repeating the same history in Afghanistan right now.

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