Friday, December 26, 2008

Russian President Talks Military Force During End-Of-Year Interview

Mr Medvedev said relations with Ukraine had never been worse. Photo: AFP

From Voice Of America:

President Dmitri Medvedev says Russia reserves the right to use military force to defend its interests, and will also take steps to protect the dignity and lives of its citizens, wherever they may be. Mr. Medvedev made those remarks during a nationally televised end-of-year interview, in which he focused on the economy, but also touched on relations with the United States and gas supplies for Ukraine.

In an interview broadcast nationwide late Wednesday on Russia's major television networks, President Dmitri Medvedev said he occasionally senses foreign attempts to "put Russia in its place," but rejected them as unacceptable. As an example, he mentioned "the desire of colleagues and partners in NATO to expand the organization without limit."

Read more ....

Update: Dmitry Medvedev issues warning to ex-Soviet states -- The Telegraph

My Comment: Russia is sensing that the new U.S. Administration will be more focused on issues that will not include Russia's former satellite states. Russia is laying the groundwork and limits for their neighbors on what type what type of foreign policy that they may be permitted to pursue .... failure to comply with Russia's interests will leave the door open for open confrontation.

This Russian declaration is very ominous. Short of declaring war against their neighbors, Russia is clearly threatening every former Soviet state, and in particular is targetting The Ukraine and its independent foreign policy.

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