Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Two Articles On Cyber Security/War

Chertoff Ready to Pass Cybersecurity Torch
-- Homeland Security

Outgoing DHS chief assesses current state of cybersecurity.

Outgoing DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff spoke last Thursday at the Cyber Strategic Inquiry 2008 Conference in Washington, DC, following a two-day "cyberwar" simulation organized by the government consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton and Business Executives for National Security.

In his speech the secretary summed up the state of federal cybersecurity initiatives undertaken under his watch, as well as outlining what he saw as the biggest opportunities and challenges facing the new administration.

“I think we’ve teed up so the next Administration has some momentum and I will encourage them in any way I can to continue to move it forward,” Chertoff said.

The cybersecurity problem, Chertoff said, falls into three categories.

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Middle East Silent Cyber War -- Defense Technology News

(NSI News Source Info) December 22, 2008: The war that worries most people in the Middle East is the one going on between Shia Iran and Arab Sunnis. This conflict ultimately takes over every other conflict. For example, Iran has been trying to get a Cyber War going against Israel. Prizes were offered for the most daring attacks on Israeli web sites by Moslem hackers. But the effort went sideways last year when some of the Shia hackers began attacking Sunni websites, in retaliation for some Sunni attacks on Shia sites. For the Shia, this was also payback for the increasingly anti-Shia tone of Sunni mass media. This, in turn, was in response to Iran's nuclear weapons program, and increasingly belligerent Iranian claims that it should be the leader of the Islamic world.

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