Tuesday, December 23, 2008

U.S. Navy Signs $14 Billion Contract For Eight Subs

Photo: From Northrop Grumman

From CBS News:

(The Politico) Days before Christmas, the Navy gave Northeastern lawmakers something to celebrate – a $14 billion, five-year contract with General Dynamics Electric Boat to make eight Virginia-class submarines.

In a statement, Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman (D-Conn.) pointed out that he and his colleagues on the Senate Armed Services Committee worked to make the multi-year contract possible.

Sen. Jack Reed (D-R.I.), also a member of the committee, hailed the deal that is worth more than as the president’s emergency bailout loan for auto companies.

“Virginia-class submarines are a critical component of our nation’s national defense capabilities, and Rhode Island plays a vital role in their construction,” he said.

Read more ....

The Design Base Pays for Itself, As it Should -- Information Dissemination
More News On The U.S. Navy's Sub Acquisition

General Dynamics and Northrop awarded submarine deal -- Reuters
Navy orders 8 new subs for $14B -- Business Week
General Dynamics, Northrop Win $14 Billion Sub Award -- Bloomberg

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