Saturday, December 20, 2008

Will Bush Officials Face War Crimes Trials? Few Expect It

From McClatchy:

WASHINGTON — Emboldened by a Democratic win of the White House, civil libertarians and human rights groups want the incoming Obama administration to investigate whether the Bush administration committed war crimes. They don't just want low-level CIA interrogators, either. They want President George W. Bush on down.

In the past eight years, administration critics have demanded that top officials be held accountable for a host of expansive assertions of executive powers from eavesdropping without warrants to detaining suspected enemy combatants indefinitely at the Guantanamo Bay military prison. A recent bipartisan Senate report on how Bush policies led to the abuse of detainees has fueled calls for a criminal investigation.

But even some who believe top officials broke the law don't favor criminal prosecutions. The charges would be too difficult legally and politically to succeed.

Read more ....

My Comment: President Bush won a clear mandate for his fight against terrorism and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq during the 2004 election. To believe that war is pretty and simple to proceed with is an insult to most Americans who know that it is not. The American electorate knew what they were voting for in 2004, and they made their opinions very clear.

Of course rough tactics, civilian casualties, and many mistakes along the way occurred .... that is the nature of the war beast. From my perspective, war is an exercise in the legalization and the commitment of crimes .... and its consequences always impact many and for many years to come. I am sure that this is a point of view that most people understand.

Will President Bush and his officials face war crimes? This is tantamount to saying that the American electorate committed war crimes by voting for him .... a linkage that will never occur nor proceed with in any U.S. court.

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