Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Zimbabwe: Dragging Out The End -- An Editorial

Zimbabwean police assault members of the National Constitutional Assembly demonstrating in Harare, July, 2007. [© AP Images]

From The Guardian:

Zimbabwe's nightmare will not end any time soon. The foreign office minister Mark Malloch-Brown was only stating yesterday what had been evident for some time - that efforts to form a power-sharing government were deadlocked and that Robert Mugabe had become the chief obstacle to forming one. On Sunday Jendayi Frazer, the US assistant secretary of state for Africa, said the US would not support a power-sharing agreement with Mr Mugabe remaining as president.

The target of both statements was not Mr Mugabe, who continues to mouth inanities like "Zimbabwe is mine", but his Southern African neighbours. They too were the subjects of Mr Mugabe's wrath when he dared them to invade his country. He told Zanu-PF's central committee on Friday that he did not know of any African country brave enough to do that. In other words: come and get me.

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