Sunday, January 18, 2009

Mexican Collapse? Drug Wars Worry Some Americans

Mexican soldiers stand on guard at a house where marijuana plants being grown were found in Tijuana, Mexico, Thursday, Jan. 15, 2009. Special forces soldiers found some 170 marijuana plants, in a room used as a greenhouse, and detained a suspect. (AP Photo/Guillermo Arias)

From Yahoo News/AP:

MEXICO CITY – Indiscriminate kidnappings. Nearly daily beheadings. Gangs that mock and kill government agents.

This isn't Iraq or Pakistan. It's Mexico, which the U.S. government and a growing number of experts say is becoming one of the world's biggest security risks.

The prospect that America's southern neighbor could melt into lawlessness provides an unexpected challenge to Barack Obama's new government. In its latest report anticipating possible global security risks, the U.S. Joint Forces Command lumps Mexico and Pakistan together as being at risk of a "rapid and sudden collapse."

Read more ....

My Comment: This article provides a sober reading (and assessment) of Mexico.

From my own history .... when I was young I enjoyed visiting Mexico for years .... I do not now.

It is too violent and dangerous for foreigners. For my Mexican friends, the drug culture is now so pervasive in Mexican society .... almost everyone is affected in some way .... and none of it is good.

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