Monday, January 19, 2009

Russia And The Ukraine Prepared To SIgn Energy Agreeement -- Energy Supplies Will Start To Flow To Europe After Signing

Ukraine PM Heads To Moscow; Gas Deal To Be Signed -- Yahoo News/AP

KIEV, Ukraine – The Ukrainian prime minister headed to Moscow on Monday as Russia and Ukraine prepared to sign a deal ending a contentious dispute that cut off Russian natural gas shipments to Europe for nearly two weeks.

Yulia Tymoshenko and her Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, reached a preliminary agreement over the weekend to restore gas supplies to Europe and Ukraine.

Tymoshenko's office said a formal deal would be signed Monday by Russia's gas monopoly Gazprom and Ukraine's Naftogaz.

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More News On Europe's Energy Crisis

Russia and Ukraine aim to sign gas deal -- Yahoo News/Reuters
Russian Govt: Gazprom, Naftogaz To Sign Gas Deal At 1230 GMT -- Wall Street Journal
Europe Waits to See if Gas Will Flow -- Wall Street Journal
Russia and Ukraine Reach Deal on Gas -- New York Times
Russia-Ukraine Deal to Restore Gas to Europe -- Los Angeles Times
Ukrainian opposition says European gas price too much for economy -- RIA Novosti
Gas Issue Points to Ukraine's Failures -- Washington Post


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