Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Teenage Terrorist Or Confused Kid -- Gitmo's Youngest Prisoner

Photo: Omar Khadr, is shown here in his early teens, when he was first accused of killing a U.S. soldier in Afghanistan.

From CNN:

(CNN) -- Omar Khadr begged them to do it.

"Kill me," he said. "Please, kill me."

The men looming over the bullet-riddled 15-year-old were stunned. How was he still alive? The Special Forces unit had fired several rounds into him, shooting where a grenade had been thrown that mortally wounded their medic, Sgt. 1st Class Christopher Speer.

The air in the Afghan compound, which had been blown to bits, was a thick fog of dust. Hearts pumped from the adrenaline of a firefight. Speer was immediately choppered away. The 28-year-old father of two would die 10 days later.

The wounded teen, whose parents once lived with Osama bin Laden, was patched up and flown away too, headed for questioning at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan. He would become one of Guantanamo Bay's most controversial detainees.

Read more ....

My Comment: I will always remember the 60 Minutes video that showed Khadr assembling a collection of road side bombs when he was 13 years old. He was not an innocent bystander. In fact .... he was once very dangerous .... and he has committed terrible crimes.

But he is also a child soldier .... or once was.

I do know that his life is ruined, and that he can never live a "normal" life.

As a Canadian I would prefer that he stayed out of my country. But he will be released one day .... and he will come here. I just hope that it will be later .... not sooner.

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