Monday, February 9, 2009

Terror Injustice: Cole Killer Could Go Free -- A Commentary

Photo from Cargolaw.

From The New York Post:

IMAGINE a terrorist setting off a bomb in your home, killing 17 friends and family members. Two years later, you learn authorities have caught the mastermind of the attack, who's confessed not only to bombing your house but other acts of terrorism.

Then, six years later, you hear that the charges against the killer have been dropped and that he might go free - while those who arrested and questioned him may face congressional investigation and even jail time.

If you can get your mind around this nightmare, then you can appreciate the feelings of retired US Navy Cmdr. Kirk Lippold, former skipper of the destroyer USS Cole.

On Oct. 12, 2000, terrorists set off a bomb alongside the Cole as it was peacefully moored in the port of Aden. The blast killed 17 members of Lippold's command and wounded nearly 40 others.

Read more ....

My Comment: I doubt that this terrorist will be released .... his release would unleash a firestorm of protest that would wipe out the Democratics in the House and Senate races of 2010.

What will be done is a review of the legal process and the levying of new charges on all Gitmo inmates .... including on those who were responsible for the USS Cole.

What is troublesome is the grey area that the Administration has decided to enter when it comes to interrogating captured Al Qaeda and other terror cell leaders. No CIA official is going to interrogate anyone now ....why should they when many in government are open to the idea of prosecuting them since they did not follow what Congress now feels is the right way to question terrorists .... whatever thta is.

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