Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Zimbabwe News Updates -- February 10, 2009

Morgan Tsvangirai: Political sources close to Zanu-PF and in favour of the unity deal say Mr Mugabe's hardliners are "baiting" Mr Tsvangirai Photo: REUTERS

Champagne, Lobster And Caviar: Robert Mugabe Plans Binge In Land Of Hunger -- Times Online

It is the 85th birthday of President Mugabe this month and the zealots of his Zanu (PF) party are determined that it should be an occasion that their great leader will never forget.

In recent days they have been out soliciting “donations” from corporate Zimbabwe and have drawn up a wish list that is scarcely credible in a land where seven million citizens survive on international food aid, 94 per cent are jobless and cholera rampages through a population debilitated by hunger.

The list includes 2,000 bottles of champagne (Moët & Chandon or ’61 Bollinger preferred); 8,000 lobsters; 100kg of prawns; 4,000 portions of caviar; 8,000 boxes of Ferrero Rocher chocolates; 3,000 ducks; and much else besides. A postscript adds: “No mealie meal” — the ground corn staple on which the vast majority of Zimbabweans survived until the country’s collapse rendered even that a luxury.

Read more ....

More News On Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe opposition head: free political prisoners -- AP
Amnesty urges release of Zimbabwe activists -- AFP
Mugabe's hard-liners try to scupper unity government -- The Telegraph
Mugabe regime goes back on deal over activists -- The Guardian
Tsvangirai rises to Zimbabwe prime minister post - -AP
Zimbabwe's Tsvangirai names ministers 'to rebuild our country' -- AFP
Questions, answers on Zimbabwe's unity government -- AP
Zimbabwe dollar dead, says top economist -- The Telegraph
Red Cross short of aid funds as Zimbabwe cholera grows -- AFP
Aid workers lack funds to stem cholera in Zimbabwe -- Forbes Magazine

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